We currently have two house projects under development:
The New Londoner: A publication and platform which enables any reader to suggest an idea for an article, to have other readers club together to support that idea, and to then assign an experienced journalist to write a compelling article on that topic. Unique in its combination of crowdsourcing ideas and funding; initially targeted to topics that appeal to those who live in London or who have a “London sensibility”.
To express interest in being a beta user of the site please email NL@lightninglabs.co.uk.
The Article Recommendation Project: A database-and rankings-driven project to test the hypothesis that high-end reading recommendations can be done far more effectively if readers give more than one data point (Like/Dislike) on an article. The project will suggest high-quality articles to specific readers and over time will test whether the recommendations are able to be more effectively personalised. The long-term goal is to introduce more readers to more writing they’d love by developing a “Pandora for text”.
To express interest in being a beta user of the site please email ARP@lightninglabs.co.uk.